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8 Healthy Foods Tips

Want to eat healthy? Try these 8 tips to start you on your way.

8 Healthy Foods Tips

Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard. Simply incorporate these 8 healthy food tips below and even small changes will start to make a difference in your meals.

1. Avoid processed meats for lunches as much as possible. Bologna, hotdogs, salami are high in fat and also contain sodium nitrites which react with foods in your stomach to form highly carcinogenic potentially cancer causing compounds.

2. Opt for fresh lean meats like roast beef, tuna fish salad or baked chicken.

3. Tastier Fruit. You can keep apples from turning brown by soaking them in apple juice.

4. Fish is an excellent source of low calorie protein. Fish also contains heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and selenium. Farm raised seafood tends to be high in toxins called PCB and other chemicals. Purchase wild fish if available, it may be more expensive but worth the price.

5. Olive Oil. Olive oil is sunshine captured in a bottle. Using olive oil instead of margarine or butter provides your body with healthier nutrients. Olive oil has a high content of anti-oxidative substances. Olive oil provides protection against heart disease.

6. Store olive oil in a cool dark place for up to 6 months, or refrigerated for up to one year. Refrigerated olive oil will become thick and cloudy, but will return to normal at room temperature.

7. Eat more healthy whole grains. Fiber rich whole grain products lower the risk of everything from heart disease to cancer. Plus they fill you up.

8. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Anti-oxidants give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors and help clear our bodies of free radicals. One cup of blueberries daily can cut your risk of breast, cervical and colon cancer…states University of Florida researchers.

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