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Foods for Lowering pH Levels in the Body

Find out which foods can help lower your body's pH level.

Lowering pH Levels with Food

Many people fight the battle of pH levels in the blood being too low. There are also people who have levels that are too high. When pH levels are too high people take the chance on dehydrating. This condition is known as Alkalosis.

Because the blood is lacking in the acids it requires, pH levels go up. Eating acidic foods can help bring these levels down to help you maintain your good health.

If you are aware that your pH levels are too high you might want to try some foods that are slightly acidic. It is always a good idea to start at the bottom and work your way up to foods that contain more acid. By starting with less acidic foods, you will be able to determine if these slightly acidic foods will bring your levels up to normal or if you need to go the next step.

Some foods that are slightly acidic are certain vegetables, meats and breads. Vegetables such as fresh corn are a good place to start. Meats can help tremendously to slightly lower your levels. Such meats include pork and lamb chops, bacon, turkey, veal and steak. Other foods that can help are white or wheat bread, brown rice, barley, eggs, English walnuts and salmon.

Foods that are slightly higher in acidity may give you faster relief if your pH levels are higher than normal. These types of foods include peanuts and peanut butter. Also included on this list are chicken, corned beef, shrimp, lobster, pasta and oatmeal. When eaten regularly these types of foods can lower your pH levels and help you to feel better.

High acidity foods can help those who have extremely high pH levels in their blood. They are higher in acidity than any other natural food source. These foods are dried lentils, sausage, sardines, scallops and oysters.

Be careful and test your pH levels because you can cause them to become too low when eating these types of foods. When testing your pH levels, visit your doctor first and allow him or her to do an electrolyte panel to see exactly where your level is. Once that has been determined then you can use a home test kit to check the pH levels on your own.

No matter what, be health conscious and watch those pH levels. Maintaining good health is important and if you can accomplish this with the types of foods you eat then go for it. What better way to stay healthy and enjoy life too?

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