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Farmer's Markets Are They Really Organic

Being able to determine if your local farmers market is really selling organic foods can be difficult. If you are new to the organic world you many not be able to tell by the look or the feel of the food itself. Sometimes even asking isn’t enough to ensure what is being sold is really organic. The USDA has strict requirements when it comes to organic foods, so let’s start there.

How Do I know if the Farmer’s Market is Selling Truly Organic Foods

The USDA has very strict guidelines when it comes to the growing and selling of organic foods. To be considered an organic farm, a farmer has to make many changes to his farm. This can take years to accomplish. To receive organic status a farm must be free of these types of chemicals for at least three years. Because of this organic farmers are very hard working and very proud. They are eager to let you know they are selling organic foods. The USDA places a USDA seal on all organic foods before they are sold. This seal will specify that the foods are organic and meat all requirements.

Government regulations are enforced all over the world making sure that farmer’s markets follow the strict rules that give them organic status and to make sure they are organic certified. In the United States the Organic Food Production Act monitors the USDA to make sure they have standards set for all organic foods.

There are numerous websites that you can visit to help you determine if your farmer’s market is organic certified. One website that lists all organic farmers markets is called the Organic Consumers Association. This is great news for organic farmers and the consumer. This site gives you all the information needed to guarantee you are truly purchasing organic foods at the local farmer’s market.

Being an organic farmer is very hard work. From ensuring the farm has organic status to raising and processing the organic foods. Organic farmers are very passionate about being organic certified and will do everything in their power to make sure you are receiving those types of foods. As the customer it really comes down to you to ensure you are buying organic foods no matter where you shop. Take the time to do the research before you shop. This is the best way to make certain that the foods you eat are fully organic foods.

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