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Pregnancy and Water

Our body weight is made up of about 60% water. It’s no wonder that it is important to keep oneself hydrated by drinking water. For an expecting mother it is of the utmost importance. Plus water can help with some of those side effects pregnant woman must deal with.

Water and Pregnancy Go Hand In Hand

Water is very important to everyone’s health. When a woman becomes pregnant water is a must. Not only does water rid the body of toxins but it helps to move nutrients through the blood to the unborn baby. Water is also important to the amniotic fluid. This fluid protects the baby and will replenish itself every hour during your pregnancy.

Water is also necessary in flushing the body. This in turn can help with certain side effects of pregnancy. It helps dilute the urine causing less of a chance for urinary tract infections. Believe it or not drinking water can also help with water retention and other difficult side effects for any expecting mother.

Water can also make a big difference in blood flow especially in the last couple of months of pregnancy. The blood volume comes close to doubling by the 8th month. If the blood is too thick it can cause things such as cardiovascular problems and hypertension in a newborn.

Being dehydrated can cause major problems in the last trimester. It can lead to contractions and even premature labor. It has been shown that some premature labor has been brought to a complete stop just by re-hydrating the mother with IV fluids. Premature labor can cause all sorts of health problems for a newborn baby.

What are some other reasons for drinking water while pregnant? Many believe drinking water can help with that dreaded morning sickness. It also helps with acne, rids your body of sodium, helps with constipation and can reduce the chances of miscarriage and pre-term labor.

How much water should an expectant mother drink? It is recommended that everyone drink at least six 8 ounce glasses of water a day. For a pregnant mom it should be no less than eight 8 ounce glasses a day. This doesn’t mean that you can only drink water. Milk and juice are also important and for a little change try a cup of decaffeinated coffee or a glass of decaffeinated tea. Also if you want a little change in the way the water tastes squeeze a little lemon or lime into the glass.

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