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Probiotics Can Help Promote Good Health

Probiotics contain beneficial bacteria and yeast that can help promote good health. Until recently no one wanted to acknowledge the benefits of probiotics. Today they are becoming well known and a huge part of healthy lifestyle.

Probiotics for Healthy Living

It has only been in recent years that the medical professionals have started to really look at probiotics. What they have seen is quite promising. Studies are showing that probiotics are good for the bowels and digestive system. In some cases they are believed to help prevent and even treat some types of infections. Plus the side effects are extremely low.

Probiotics can be found in many dairy products. Yogurt is high in natural good bacteria. Be sure to read the label before buying yogurt to ensure it contains live and active cultures to get the maximum health benefits. Other dairy products that include these good bacteria are buttermilk and kefir. They contain prebiotics which stimulate the growth of good bacteria. Friendly bacteria grow well in dairy products and help to protect them from bile and acid.

Probiotics juice is becoming very well known. In some countries there are a variety of beverages on the market that contain probiotics. Many manufactures are beginning to add probiotics to the foods they are not naturally found in. Foods such as cereal, candy bars, dairy drinks and even ice cream are now on the market containing probiotics.

Brine cured olives and salted gherkins are a great place to find probiotics. Also fermented vegetables such as kimchi and sauerkraut also contain high levels of good bacteria. Unfortunately due to the added preservatives and pasteurization many products such as these sold commercially lose a lot of this bacteria.

Supplements have also started to come to the forefront. Due to the low regulations placed on these types of supplements you may not receive the needed amount to make a real difference. Foods that contain probiotics naturally may be the best way to go instead.

As you can see it is becoming much easier to add probiotics to a healthy diet. Finding some of the items that contain them naturally may not be as difficult as finding foods that are now having them added. If you are having difficulty, look online at the numerous places where probiotic foods are sold.

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